Our Commitment

Our commitment to mental health


We at Raven strongly believe that a partnership with a mental health organization serves well with the community of motorcycle riders. Riding has shown to have positive effects on mental and emotional health - it brings a sense of revitalization, making you feel energized and refreshed after each ride. Often, we choose to ride to be more mindful, achieve greater clarity and escape the stressors of every day life. We all have a story and our battles, but as we ride through uncharted paths we find freedom and a sense of calm that eases our mind and body. 

At Raven, our belief is that every individual has an obligation to society. As we grow our business, we seek to fulfill that obligation by supporting a mental health organization.


How do we engage the issue

Mental health conditions are growing faster than ever and are common amongst all ages and genders. The effects of negative mental health impact us all differently, and we are committed to working with organizations that seek to help improve the mental health of vulnerable individuals. 

A portion of each purchase will go towards StrongMinds, a non-profit organization that serves women and adolescents in low-income communities in Africa to help alleviate depression. With a success rate of 80%, we believe that this partnership can help to improve the lives of vulnerable individuals, including mothers that will have a lasting influence on children.

Since its inception in 2013, StrongMinds has been dedicated to fighting the depression epidemic in Africa by providing a scalable cost effective framework. Their community-based model of group talk therapy is simple, innovative and cost-effective and it provides treatment for countless women who are affected by this debilitating mental illness.



    We strongly believe that a partnership with a mental health organization serves well with the community of motorcycle riders. Riding has shown to have positive effects on mental and emotional health - it brings a sense of revitalization, making you feel energized and refreshed after each ride. Often, we choose to ride to be more mindful, achieve greater clarity and escape the stressors of every day life. We all have a story and our battles, but as we ride through uncharted paths we find freedom and a sense of calm that eases our mind and body.

    At RAVEN, our belief is that every individual has an obligation to society. As we grow our business, we seek to fulfill that obligation by supporting a mental health organization.


    Mental health conditions are growing faster than ever and are common amongst all ages and genders. The effects of negative mental health impact us all differently, and we are committed to working with organizations that seek to help improve the mental health of vulnerable individuals.

    A portion of each purchase will go towards StrongMinds, a non-profit organization that serves women and adolescents in low-income communities in Africa to help alleviate depression. With a success rate of 80%, we believe that this partnership can help to improve the lives of vulnerable individuals, including mothers that will have a lasting influence on children.


    Since its inception in 2013, StrongMinds has been dedicated to fighting the depression epidemic in Africa by providing a scalable cost effective framework. Their community-based model of group talk therapy is simple, innovative and cost-effective and it provides treatment for countless women who are affected by this debilitating mental illness.